Real Estate Law
Why do you need a real estate lawyer to buy or sell your property?
• Buying or selling a property is an important decision that involves a high financial and emotional value. Therefore, it is essential that you have all the security and peace of mind necessary to carry out this transaction.
• Many people think they can do without the assistance of a lawyer when dealing with real estate transactions, but this can be a big mistake. A lawyer is a qualified and qualified professional who can guide you in relation to all legal issues involving the purchase or sale of a property, ensuring that everything occurs in a transparent and legal manner.
What precautions are necessary when buying or selling real estate?
• When buying or selling a property, you need to take some precautions to avoid future problems, such as:
• Obtain all necessary certificates from the property and the sellers to verify that there are no financial, legal or tax issues that could compromise the transaction or affect the buyer later. For example, if the property is mortgaged, seized or has any ongoing legal action.
• Check the property's regularity with the appropriate agencies, such as the property registry office, city hall, Federal Revenue Service, among others. This includes checking whether the property has a definitive deed, updated registration, occupancy permit, operating license, paid property tax, among other documents.
• Check the property's environmental and zoning issues, especially if you intend to start a business there. This includes checking whether the property complies with all environmental requirements and is in accordance with the city's master plan, to avoid problems with inspections and fines.
• Check the physical and structural conditions of the property, such as electrical and hydraulic installations, leaks, cracks, among other defects that may compromise the quality and safety of the property.
• Draft or review the property purchase and sale agreement, including all clauses necessary to protect the rights and interests of the parties involved. This includes clauses on price, payment method, delivery date, penalties for default or termination, among others.
How can a lawyer help you buy or sell real estate?
• Um advogado especializado em direito imobiliário pode ajudá-lo de diversas formas na compra e venda de imóveis, tais como:
• Orientá-lo sobre seus direitos e deveres em relação à transação imobiliária, esclarecendo todas as suas dúvidas e alertando sobre os riscos envolvidos.
• Analisar toda a documentação do imóvel e dos vendedores, verificando se não há nenhuma irregularidade ou impedimento legal que possa prejudicar a transação ou afetar o comprador posteriormente.
• Negociar as melhores condições para a compra ou venda do imóvel, buscando um acordo justo e vantajoso para ambas as partes.
• Elaborar ou revisar o contrato de compra e venda do imóvel, garantindo que ele esteja de acordo com a lei e com as expectativas das partes.
• Acompanhar todo o processo de compra e venda do imóvel, desde a assinatura do contrato até a entrega das chaves, resolvendo eventuais problemas que possam surgir durante o percurso.
Alienação fiduciária, não efetuado o pagamento das obrigações assumidas, o banco ou instituição financeira poderá retomar o imóvel e levar a leilão para quitar a dívida de financiamento e/ou imóveis hipotecado referentes aos empreendimentos imobiliários quer residêncial e comercial, pelas incorporadoras e construtoras, onde, mesmo você (comprador) pagando em dia poderá vir a perder o seu imóvel.
Hipoteca o não pagamento das parcelas pode levar a leilão para pagamento da dívida, além do que, caso o valor arrecado seja inferior a dívida, você continua devendo, onde, o credor poderá penhorar outros bens particulares que você possui, por exemplo: empréstimo (capital de giro).
Leilão aquele que adquire bens nesta modalidade, não efetuando o valor que se obrigou, pode perder o valor dado como garantia no negócio jurídico firmado, bem como ser ainda obrigado a pagar multa e juros pelas consequências do não pagamento.
Buying or selling a property is an important decision that requires care and precautions. A lawyer specializing in real estate law can be an important ally in ensuring that the transaction takes place safely and legally, avoiding future problems that could harm your finances and your life.
Therefore, don’t risk your assets and your peace of mind. Count on the help of a lawyer specialized in real estate law to buy or sell a property. You will be surprised by the benefits it can bring to your business.
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