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Why do you need a lawyer specializing in this area?


 Civil right it is one of the broadest and most important areas of law, which regulates the legal relationships between persons, families and properties. Within civil law, there are several branches that deal with different subjects, such as:


 Right of duties, which establishes the rules and legal duties between the parties involved in contracts, debts, promises and other legal commitments. For example, if you sign a contract for the purchase and sale of a property, you have an obligation to comply with the terms of the contract and pay the agreed amount.


 Civil responsability, which determines the obligation to repair damage caused by negligence or willful misconduct to another person. For example, if you cause a traffic accident and injure someone, you have a responsibility to compensate the victim for the damage suffered.


 Third party damage protection, which guarantees the defense of people's rights and interests against illegal acts committed by other people, companies or entities that have no direct relationship with them. For example, if someone posts false and offensive information about you on the internet, you have the right to sue that person for slander, defamation or moral damages.


Other branches of civil law, which address issues related to property, inheritance, wills, succession, family, among others.

As a lawyer specializing in Civil right can help you?

If you are involved in any situation that falls under the scope of civil law, it is essential to have the help and advice of a lawyer specialized in this area. A lawyer can help you in many ways, such as:


Advise you on your rights and duties regarding legal issues involving your personal or professional life. For example, if you want to buy or sell a property, a lawyer can advise you on the necessary legal procedures, the required documents and the risks involved.


Protect your interests and assets in business transactions or dealings with other parties. For example, if you want to rent a property or hire a service, a lawyer can draft or review the contract to ensure that it complies with the law and your expectations.


Resolve conflicts and disputes with other persons or entities amicably or judicially. For example, if you are going through a divorce or an inheritance dispute, an attorney can represent you in mediation or arbitration to seek a peaceful and fair resolution of the case.


Represent you in court in case of litigation or legal proceedings. For example, if you are being sued by someone or want to sue someone for any civil law related reason, a lawyer can defend your rights and interests before the judge.

Why Choose a Specialized Lawyer? Civil right?

Civil right it is a complex and dynamic area of law, which requires technical and up-to-date knowledge of current laws and case law. Therefore, it is important to choose a lawyer who has experience and expertise in the specific area of your need.

 Lawyer specializing in civil law knows the nuances and particularities of each branch of civil law and can offer personalized and efficient legal advice for your case. In addition, a lawyer specializing in civil law can ensure that you have the best possible outcome in your situation, whether in the extrajudicial or judicial sphere.


Civil right it is an essential area of law that regulates the legal relationships between persons, families and property. If you are involved in any matter that falls within the scope of civil law, it is advisable to seek the help and advice of a lawyer specializing in this area.

Lawyer specializing in civil law can help you understand your rights and duties, protect your interests and assets, resolve conflicts and disputes, and represent you in court. It is important to choose a lawyer with experience and expertise in the specific area of your need, ensuring that you have the best possible outcome in your situation.

I hope I helped you better understand what civil law is and why you need a lawyer who specializes in this area. 

We are at your disposal!

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